The most vexing problem in psychology is the happiness and success of our inferiors.
We are rich, and adapted to be poor, and thus miserable.
We elect such hideous candidates, and we are all such lovely people.
Artists should be judged by their best work. Architects do not have this luxury.
Each great upheaval of history that now seems to us inevitable came to nearly everyone who lived through it as a complete surprise.
That we would have been above the absurd beliefs and barbaric practices of other times — this absurd belief abets our barbaric practices.
Aristocracies die with the disappearance of their duties, not their privileges.
The Off button has grown smaller, and scarcer, and harder to find; soon it will disappear.
We can almost forgive the genius for being sane, but not for being happy.
We can forgive capitalism, democracy, and technology for giving us what we want, but not for showing us what we want.