Everything – Page 186 – A book of aphorisms
Nov 282016

Each great upheaval of history that now seems to us inevitable came to nearly everyone who lived through it as a complete surprise.

Nov 252016

That we would have been above the absurd beliefs and barbaric practices of other times — this absurd belief abets our barbaric practices.

Nov 232016

The Off button has grown smaller, and scarcer, and harder to find; soon it will disappear.

Nov 222016

We can almost forgive the genius for being sane, but not for being happy.

Nov 212016

We can forgive capitalism, democracy, and technology for giving us what we want, but not for showing us what we want.

Nov 182016

Pedantry begins as a parasite on fastidiousness, and eventually destroys its host.

Nov 172016

Sometimes we encounter ideas that cannot be reconciled with what we already believe, and these we call untrue.