Everything – Page 193 – A book of aphorisms
Aug 192016

We would do better to speak of gaps in our ignorance.

Aug 182016

Liberalism is like liberality, except with other people’s money.

Aug 172016

There is bad art about which one can say a good deal, and great art about which one can say nothing.

Aug 152016

Societies toy with dissenters like cats with mice — a few escape, the rest wearied unto death. The short way is more respectful and humane.

Aug 122016

Without disgust there is nothing to tolerate or to forgive.

Aug 112016

You can be sure that everyone has heard the news when you are told to keep it to yourself.

Aug 102016

However many stages history is divided into, ours is always second to last.

Aug 092016

It is often only slightly more trouble to do a thing well than to do it badly.