Everything – Page 199 – A book of aphorisms
May 272016

It must be easier to fix the world than it is to fix a dishwasher; there are so many more people who know how.

May 262016

You can’t always get what you want; you can’t always get what you need; but you can, perhaps, want what you need.

May 252016

Space and matter are given; time is a civilized achievement.

May 242016

It was not so long ago that enthusiasm was regarded as a fatal weakness of character.

May 232016

Zeal for an end is only flexibility about the means.

May 202016

It is said that people are impressionable: in fact they are programmable.

May 192016

Making friends is work, making enemies is fun.

May 182016

Serious people trying to be funny are generally no more embarrassing than funny people trying to be serious.

May 172016

The worst example is the unique success.

May 162016

The Four Irrational Beliefs of Highly Effective People

1. Optimism
2. Control
3. Forecasting ability
4. All-around superiority