Everything – Page 2 – A book of aphorisms
Jan 022024

Hollywood’s raison d’être is the casting couch. The movies are only the means.

Jan 012024

Few men are great, but all great men are men, and when I read of one I want to be told how he was great, not how he was a man.

Dec 292023

Why the rumor persists is a better question than whether it is true.

Dec 272023

Hollywood’s raison d’être is the casting couch. The movies are only the means.

Dec 262023

We are told to judge a man by his best work, as if to judge what is a man’s best work were less a task than to judge the man.

Dec 252023

The mind has no immune system, and can be cured of a virus only by another virus, or by a stronger dose of what infected it in the first place.