Everything – Page 206 – A book of aphorisms
Feb 192016

Every fictional utopia has one feature in common with every modern state: compulsory public education.

Feb 182016

The silent partner in every business is Our Policy.

Feb 172016

Vehemence is the infallible sign of opinion.

Feb 152016

It is the rare philosopher who notices how well most of the world gets on without philosophy.

Feb 122016

The very worst people are never much interested in money.

Feb 112016

The admission that irreparably damages the argument is introduced, by convention, with “of course”.

Feb 102016

That truth is stranger than fiction ought to embarrass novelists considerably.

Feb 092016

Great general causes, in history, are the tinder: chance is the match.

Feb 082016

Arguable, adj.   What one is unwilling to argue about.