Everything – Page 232 – A book of aphorisms
Feb 242015

The struggle to assimilate a new idea without disturbing the old ones is hideously physical, like becoming a werewolf.

Feb 232015

For every empire history offers a hundred explanations for why it fell, when what we need to know is how it lasted.

Feb 202015

When you list four sources in a footnote, you have forty; when you list three, you have three.

Feb 192015

Nothing sucks the joy out of an avocation like trying to make a living at it.

Feb 182015

There is nothing that everyone should read but a lot that no one should.

Feb 132015

You understand another language not when you can translate it, but when you no longer have to.

Feb 122015

The reader properly resents coincidence. Life does not arrange itself to suit him; why should it arrange itself to suit the author?