Everything – Page 284 – A book of aphorisms
Feb 272013

The great problem in political science is how to persuade the people to elect a government of which the theorist approves.

Feb 262013

Defang a book by putting it on the syllabus, a painting by putting it in a museum, and a radical by putting him in the ministry.

Feb 252013

We are more like our contemporaries than we imagine, and less like our ancestors.

Feb 222013

Expertise makes one peremptory, but peremptoriness does not make one expert.

Feb 212013

The wise are all alike, but every fool is foolish in his own way.

Feb 202013

If it has never crossed your mind that you might be stupid, you are.

Feb 192013

The polite conversationalist, when interrupted by a monologue, smiles, and waits his turn, before resuming his own.

Feb 152013

The American upper middle class has largely given up sex and alcohol in favor of litigation and insurance fraud.

Feb 142013

It hurts less to give up the luxury than the idea that you can afford it.