Every regime, in every era, has installed incompetents in positions of high responsibility and authority; it is our unique distinction to do so on high principle.
We often profess ourselves baffled by exceptionally bad behavior, though with a little reflection we could readily understand it. Incomprehension becomes our talisman, lest if we understood more, we might resist less.
To want your name known is innocuous, even healthy. To want your face known is when sickness sets in.
Every group exists by discriminating, and every campaign against its discrimination is a campaign against the group.
One must read widely to discover the few books to read deeply.
To portray competence in detail requires a genius; to portray genius in detail requires a god.
“Mind-work” is generally more mindless than “hand-work”, and the conceit of the clerks only underlines the fact.
Who will flatter you today will denounce you tomorrow.
All Canadians are experts on American politics in the way all childless people, who experience children mostly as squalling public nuisances, are experts on child-rearing.
To tell the world how little success matters is one of the most delightful perquisites of success.