Everything – Page 42 – A book of aphorisms
Jun 202022

A quest for the exotic is always rooted in contempt for the familiar.

Jun 172022

Rules are made to be selectively enforced.

Jun 162022

Of all discourse, only debate binds its participants, by rule and in advance, to a position that they must defend throughout. It is the formal expression of our worst tendencies.

Jun 152022

The psychologists tell us that what we possess we hold too dear — except our inherited civilization, which we are ever eager to part with on the cheap.

Jun 142022

A memory lapse is a file not lost but only illegibly labeled; once located, its contents are generally intact.

Jun 102022

If luck did not exist, it would be necessary for men, to live together in society, to invent it.

Jun 082022

The hygienic metaphor — “cleansing”, “extermination”, “vermin” — always marks murderous intent.