It is almost no time at all between not being permitted to dissent and not being permitted to abstain.
Mar 092018
It is almost no time at all between not being permitted to dissent and not being permitted to abstain.
The slavish conformist is readily identified by his outsized pride in his independent mind.
Prose should rarely be poetic, and poetry never.
The writer proposes: the reader disposes.
Progress in philosophy is more plausible arguments in support of more absurd propositions.
Clever women like to be told that they are beautiful, and beautiful women that they are clever.
Few enjoy violence neat, but stir in a little righteousness and it makes a popular cocktail.
The excuse is never buried more than three reasons deep.
Professing communism never saved a kulak, and professing Nazism never saved a Jew. Only the religious fanatics are that sporting.
Without the will to fire the gun is no use.