Everything – Page 201 – A book of aphorisms
May 042016

If you were immortal, how would you know?

May 032016

To make a new mistake is no small thing.

May 022016

To sculpt a lion, carve away whatever doesn’t look like a lion; and to be happy, avoid whatever makes you unhappy.

Apr 292016

You can talk people into art, but you can’t talk them out of it.

Apr 282016

A civilized man need not know a little about everything, but he must know a lot about something.

Apr 272016

Never call someone a pseudo-intellectual unless you are sure that you would recognize a real one.

Apr 262016

I often need to hear what I say to know what I think.

Apr 222016

The audience will always be out of step with the artist, for one is just arriving at what the other has long since put out of mind.

Apr 212016

People will like you if you like them, which is too high a price.