That truth is stranger than fiction ought to embarrass novelists considerably.
Feb 102016
That truth is stranger than fiction ought to embarrass novelists considerably.
Great general causes, in history, are the tinder: chance is the match.
Arguable, adj. What one is unwilling to argue about.
The hedgehog, who knows one big thing, has many disciples, and the fox, who knows many things, has none.
Why is experience the best teacher? Because we only really listen to ourselves.
The best designs have no designer.
That knowledge is power, as if awareness conferred immunity, is among the oddest of the modern superstitions.
99% sure is about 45% correct.
Nonviolent resistance succeeds only when the government has already lost its nerve: you can’t rule if you won’t shoot.
American exceptionalism: The belief that everywhere should be exactly like America, but not just yet.