Everything – Page 34 – A book of aphorisms
Oct 072022

A story of only exciting parts is like a wardrobe of only exciting garments.

Oct 062022

When one relative embezzles from another, it’s always the brother-in-law — just close enough for nepotism, just distant enough that he can’t be entirely trusted.

Oct 052022

Criticism, even good criticism, helps you see what the critic describes and hinders you from seeing anything else.

Oct 042022

The biggest problems are small problems, iterated indefinitely.

Oct 032022

Even public relations suffers from science-envy: it is no accident that Relativity came between Barnum and Bernays.

Sep 282022

Moral philosophy warns us sternly against deriving ought from is, when it is far more common, and pernicious, to derive is from ought.