All traits influenced by genetics differ across populations, and all traits are influenced by genetics.
Girls are wiser about sex than boys, and far wiser than men.
When making an example, always choose an innocent man: this cows innocent and guilty alike.
When we products of a modern upbringing were children, we spake as children, understood as children, thought as children: and when we became men, nothing changed.
Never struggle at a struggle session.
None rule by force alone.
Before you ask if a man practices what he preaches, ask if what he preaches is worth practicing.
Our age, for all its weakness, reigns unchallenged in calumny and vitriol: no Mirabeaus, few Robespierres, and everywhere Marats.
A reader more intelligent than the writer will read more than the writer intended, a reader less intelligent will read less, and a reader equally intelligent will read something entirely different.
Punishment deters less the few who suffer it than the many who fear that they might.