Everything – Page 9 – A book of aphorisms
Sep 262023

Accurate measurement created much of the modern world, not least its tendency to take variation for apocalypse.

Sep 222023

Pretentious nonsense is written in a certain unmistakable cadence, a low hum calculated to lull you into acquiescence through inattention. You’re not supposed to try too hard to piece the meaning together, and you are always sorry if you do.

Sep 212023

In any reference to “X-figures”, the first figure is 1.*

*If it is “mid X-figures”, the first figure is 2. If it is “high X-figures”, the first figure is 5.

Sep 202023

It was the best of both worlds, it was the worst of both worlds.

Sep 182023

The market is always rising for jeremiads on decline.

Sep 142023

Prophets of disaster always materialize, in the manner of ghoulish onlookers, seemingly from nowhere, at a grisly accident.

Sep 132023

Positivism, n.  A philosophy that makes one less and less positive.