Everything – Page 190 – A book of aphorisms
Oct 042016

If only thought were conserved like matter, if lost thoughts were transmuted instead of vanishing forever.

Oct 032016

Are you unprepared for it because it is out of the question, or is it out of the question because you are unprepared for it?

Sep 302016

You say you could never be bored or unhappy with some other person’s life, and yet how different it would be, if it were yours.

Sep 292016

I can skip the one book I must read if I read only one book this year, having read more than one book this year.

Sep 282016

The novel often triumphs as a lived experience and always fails as a recollected one.

Sep 272016

The thirst for equality can be slaked only by the acquisition of superiority.

Sep 262016

Mediocrities persist in treating geniuses as different. In fact they are only better, which is far more insulting.

Sep 232016

You never violate your principles: you only discover that they are not what you thought they were.

Sep 222016

When a philosopher says that you have denied the metaphysical nature of something he means that you have explained it.

Sep 212016

Less likely that it is complicated than that you are simple.