Everything – Page 150 – A book of aphorisms
Apr 172018

Regressions Toward the Mean

5. John Podhoretz
4. Charlie Sheen / Emilio Estevez
3. The Rockefellers
2. The family business
1. The Kennedys

Apr 132018

A dangerous idea must be, if not true, at least plausible.

Apr 122018

No conversation has ever been preceded by a demand for one.

Apr 112018

Always speak Truth to Power, once you’re sure Power isn’t going to option your novel.

Apr 102018

The world will end; and, tragically, no one will survive to say I told you so.

Apr 092018

The argument is for feeling good about the invective, and the invective is for feeling good about oneself.

Apr 062018

Good manners consists in asking quiet people why they won’t talk and not asking noisy ones why they won’t shut up.

Apr 052018

It was a distinctively contemporary utopia, a world in which one was never contradicted.

Apr 042018

Journalists, Kraus said, are writers who do not understand their subject — for which their remedy is to read each other assiduously.