Persistent detractors are a mark of distinction, as everyone discovers when he acquires them.
The conservative is a degenerate reactionary who, unable to decide where to set the clock, defaults to now.
Never read your old writing. It will displease you, or worse, please you.
A professor is, quite literally, someone who does not draw the conclusions from his own premises.
A belief no fact can sink no fact can float.
The aphorist strives for the shock of recognition, the moment it dawns on the reader that, yes, that is just what other people are like.
The good cause that leads to bad outcomes may not be all that good a cause.
A very few rigorous social processes — scientific method, trial by jury — converge on truth reliably. Argument is not among them.
Valid, complete arguments are known as proofs. The rest is philosophy.
The ideologue is at his most ideological when assuring you that the matter in question is beyond ideology.