Major vices are too alien and fascinating to earn our unalloyed contempt; we reserve that for minor ones.
An idea both novel and interesting is almost surely wrong.
A career can be fashioned from a single idea. Two may be tolerated. Three or more are fatal.
Fear, uncertainty, and doubt look like sound epistemic principles to me.
When someone does not speak your language, raise your voice.
You can talk a man into anything, as long as there’s nothing you have to talk him out of.
Historically killing deprived its victims only of life; the modern refinement is to deprive them first of agency.
Ugliness, incompetence, immaturity: these have become ideologies — no longer failures but ends in themselves.
A better version of oneself will be someone else.
Most of the enlistees in a struggle against oppression regard it merely as a struggle for spoils; the rest are insane.