Everyone has something to teach us; it is usually the valuable lesson that we need pay him no further mind.
We need not search for facts that confirm our opinions: all facts confirm our opinions.
Eyes glazing over is two metaphors in one: the faraway look for what one cannot understand differs from the thin film for what one does not want to hear.
Rioting and looting, though usually coupled, are distinctly different interests.
Petty laws embolden volunteer policemen.
To alleviate boredom men will do literally anything.
We first have nothing but time, then everything but time, then nothing but time, then time’s up.
The minuscule shall inherit the earth.
Nearly all great movies adhere quite rigidly to the conventions of a genre, nearly all movies that try not to do so are disasters, and so it is with lives.
Being told so much more often to Look Professional and Act Professional than Be Professional, one begins to suspect that it is in looking and acting that professionalism largely consists.