A savage can be a proper host: it takes civilization to be a proper guest.
Nov 302018
A savage can be a proper host: it takes civilization to be a proper guest.
Fame is to be known for one thing: to essay more than one is to court obscurity again.
Humanity, n. Quality or condition of being human; lowest common denominator.
The solitary man affronts, preferring his own company to yours.
Inside every thin man is a fat man struggling to get out.
The talent to be memorable carries the obligation to be wise.
One praises style when there is nothing else to praise.
To the befuddled I recommend a serene air of quiet dignity.
Romanticism is the idea that we should express our inner self; classicism, that we have no inner self to express.
We know, and judge, ourselves by what we intend and mean; others, by what they do and say.