Sometimes a story has one side, usually many, never two.
All the glamor goes to purveying the false accusation, the bogus claim, the non-existent effect; all the labor, to refuting it.
The life to be mined from art is not the artist’s but one’s own.
Anarchists are scarce but anarcho-this and anarcho-thats are thick on the ground; what follows the hyphen is the dream.
In life, unlike fiction, characters do not disappear when their usefulness has reached an end.
Always keep a book handy for when you’re not up to thinking.
People can believe in anything but accidents.
When a critic says that the book he is reviewing is “better than X”, he is advising you, in the strongest possible terms, to read X.
Communism and anarchism are natural allies: one proposes to punish what is best in human nature, the other not to punish what is worst.
Many things work on a small scale and fail on a large one; crime is exactly the opposite.