Fame is wasted on the famous.
There would be less loose talk if the messenger were shot more often.
Unrequited love drives men to suicide, and unrequited hate drives them to murder.
Everyone is secretly pleased to be charged with elitism, and when the charge is denied it is with the aim of confirming its justice.
Humanity is forever in the grip of various mass hysterias, like little puddles of mimetic polyalloy, which occasionally gather themselves together, and then you have Terminator 2.
The difference between English and American governance is that everyone knows the Queen is a figurehead.
Law of Insufficient Time: It’s always later than you think, even after accounting for the Law of Insufficient Time.
What is praise for the living but the wistful hope that someday, somehow, it will be requited?
There will always be witches, because there will always be witch-hunters to supply them.
Humanity will extinguish itself not by suicide, which is too dignified, but by accident, a household mishap like swallowing paint thinner, on a planetary scale.