To set up as an arbiter of good taste is in the worst taste possible.
Nov 272020
To set up as an arbiter of good taste is in the worst taste possible.
“Change my mind.” Good Lord, why?
Overrated: thinking before you speak
Underrated: thinking after you speak
The 20th century, among its various disgraces, managed to give both “science” and “rationality” a bad name.
If a common tactic never works, it’s not supposed to.
Every new law represents a new opportunity to report our neighbors anonymously to the authorities.
The paean to independence of mind is the infallible sign of the crackpot.
Sex was a lot better in the movies when they weren’t allowed to show it.
We try to convince ourselves that villains are unhappy: it should be enough to know that they are bad.
There may be no stupid questions, but my God, the answers!