Everything – Page 116 – A book of aphorisms
Aug 062019

“Be honest”: An injunction to lie.

Aug 052019

Fastidiousness can defeat barbarism but not savagery.

Aug 022019

A little truth, hard-won, can last a man for life. It is lies and nonsense for which a tolerance soon becomes a taste, a taste an appetite, and an appetite at last an insatiable craving.

Jul 312019

I know many people with a positive mania for facing uncomfortable truths; it seems not to discomfort them in the least.

Jul 302019

Hell has no comedy, just an endless discussion of what isn’t funny.

Jul 262019

Our politics, driven more by hatred of the other side than love of our own, possibly betoken a decline in civility but certainly an advance in sense.

Jul 252019

Many of the disorders of the psychology textbooks are quite useful in moderation, and not a few are outright virtues.

Jul 242019

To learn the status of an identity, count how many people fake it.