Voting, like tattoos, diverts the urge toward self-expression from more noisome forms like speech.
Hating the people you disagree with is harmless; it’s liking the ones you agree with that’s dangerous.
There are two kinds of governments: those, like absolute monarchies, that tell their subjects frankly who rules them; and those, like democracies, that lie about it.
No matter how bad your argument is, you can be sure it’s not original.
Hidden depths are only unrecorded thoughts, which have ceased to exist.
Many social institutions, like religion, work best when no one knows quite how.
We police others’ moods even more strictly than we police their thoughts.
Competence dwarfs all other virtues, and nearly every moral system ever devised aims first at disguising that fact.
If journalism is the first draft of history, we know how far to trust history.
There are no double standards, only invidious criteria.