Everything – Page 113 – A book of aphorisms
Sep 202019

It is the quack, needing protective coloration, who affirms most zealously the principles of his profession.

Sep 192019

The people whose intelligence is argued over are, as a class, more intelligent than the people who argue over it.

Sep 182019

If no man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money, then world literature is almost entirely the province of blockheads.

Sep 172019

The subtle tempter praises mediocrity to attack excellence, and deviance to attack normality.

Sep 162019

Merciful regimes kill the troublesome without insisting on reeducating them first.

Sep 132019

When Bentham designed the Panopticon, he did not anticipate so many volunteers.

Sep 122019

Yesterday’s distant dream, today’s brilliant innovation, tomorrow’s basic human right.

Sep 112019

Journalists used to be raffish and amusing liars, and they are no longer raffish or amusing.

Sep 102019

The proper end of politics is not to make life pleasant for yourself, your friends, and your allies, but to make it miserable for those whom you hate, envy, and fear.

Sep 092019

You are not better than this. You are not worse than this. You are exactly this.