Whatever the corrupt practice, everyone does not do it, and to say everyone does is a vicious attempt to wipe from existence those who do not.
Hatred, at a very high pitch, becomes a difference not of degree but of kind — a second order, where one hates not just the object but anyone who likes it.
Certainty, n. The desperate expedient to which we are driven by the necessity to act.
Disinformation used to be false.
There is only one way to get rich from holding office.
Never tell a man he’s funny: the idea, once implanted, is impossible, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, to dislodge.
We asked first for eternal life, then eternal youth; today we plead for eternal adolescence and tomorrow for eternal infancy.
Billionaires start making trouble when they stop making money.
Never give up what you can postpone indefinitely.
The world is run by smart people’s ideas, in stupid people’s versions.