Our politics, driven more by hatred of the other side than love of our own, possibly betoken a decline in civility but certainly an advance in sense.
Jul 262019
Our politics, driven more by hatred of the other side than love of our own, possibly betoken a decline in civility but certainly an advance in sense.
Many of the disorders of the psychology textbooks are quite useful in moderation, and not a few are outright virtues.
To learn the status of an identity, count how many people fake it.
It isn’t true.
It doesn’t matter if it’s true.
No one should talk about it.
Why are you talking about it?
It doesn’t matter what the rules are. What matters is that no one know what the rules are.
Principle of Philosophic Parsimony: What would cause a lot of rethinking if it were true must be false.
Permissiveness is more regressive than any sales tax.
It is simple to cheat an honest man; and one of the great themes of modern history is honest men getting cheated.
If you want someone to talk, shut up.
It is a great honor for a book to be burned.